7 steps how to get rid of depressive thoughts

Hey, you! 
 Today I wanted to share some really important stuff. I was actually making a brainstorm to understand about what my second post should be. Then I started to remember - For me the main disturber for a positive life was the nightmare that was living inside my head. And I couldn't get rid of it for a long time.
 Depressive thoughts. Who are they? They are little monsters living in your head (okay, they're not as little as we'd like them to be, they're actually huge), but the main thing is they are making you think differently, losing the power of your own brain. That is not okay. Would you let any random stranger take over your brain? No, you wouldn't and that's what they are - strangers you need to get rid of.
7 steps how to get rid of these uninvited strangers: 

1. Wake up early
It's fine when you wake up at 10am on your day off work after a hard week but don't make it a habit. It has been tested millions of times that people who goes to sleep earlier and wakes up earlier are more healthy and happy than the ones staying up all night and sleeping all day. Create your sleep schedule! It probably sounds stupid but give it a try. I promise you will wake up with a better mood. 

2. Listen to your favorite music 

Everyone knows music heals broken hearts and broken minds as well. I advise you to listen to your favorite music as often as possible (do not listen to music on headphones while walking across the street though). Whenever you feel down, turn on your favorite music (I'll add my favorite uplifting music playlist). Don't be shy to move it and shake it off as well! It will make your day better trust me.

3. Make sure the environment around you is tidy and pleasant. 

Your house or your room is the place where you should feel comfortable. I advise you to make sure it's always tidy. Who likes to see unwashed dishes or a messy room? There's nothing uplifting about that. Clean your room, put on some decorations, pictures from your best memories, light up an aromatic candle and breathe in this fresh scent together with your new super beautiful life! 

4. Surround yourself with positive people.

Ask yourself a question. What kind of people you have around you? Are they supportive? Have they ever said you're not strong enough to do that or to do this?  Okay, I'm not talking about "best mate" jokes. Now I am talking about negative people who don't have even a little bit of faith in themselves and they're trying to put you down because that's where they are. They want to make you forget who are you and who you want to be. This kind of people is feeling better by putting others down. You need to stay away from them! The hardest part is to recognize them. Make sure people around wish you good things, luck and they are trustworthy. "Keep your circle small" is a perfect saying. 

5. Treat yourself every day 

"You're such a great person, Anta!" I said to me while buying a new mascara. It is important to understand you deserve to be treated right. Buy your favorite ice cream, your favorite CD or whatever you like. Don't be ashamed to treat yourself for a successful day at work or just because you've been thinking positive today - for some, it's a great achievment. 

6. Do what you love 

I'm on the same journey as you are. 
I'm writing a blog! It makes me happy. 
And that's the main thing. 
Always find time for your hobbies. If that's your hobby it must be making you happy. Do not ever listen to anyone saying it's not worth it to do what you love because you're not earning money with it or anything else. YOU are here (in this world) for a special purpose. Don't ever stop doing what you love for any reason. 

7. Stop pleasing other people

This is a really painful topic for myself because I'm still on my way to learn this. I'm trying every day and I believe it's getting better. Always these thoughts in my head " OMG, what they are going to say if I do that, NO, I cant do this they are going to think I'm stupid, this will look stupid". Putting other people before myself. UHHH, such a BIG mistake. If I do something someone didn't want me to do, I can think about it for hours and blame myself for my decision. I know I'm gonna fight it off because I do understand  - to be happy you have to put yourself first. As I said, I am on this journey myself and I'll let you know how I am doing with this one. 

Sounds easy, doesn't it? Give these 7 steps a try and let me know how you're doing. 
It's worth a try. 

My favorite music playlist for a good mood - 

Lots of love, 

If you are reading this don't forget to share my post, there might be someone who really needs something like this and we have to let them know that they are not alone. :) 
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